Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Beautiful Death...

Let me lay in my bed because the soul has been possessed by love and let me rest because the mind has all the wealth might and day....
Light the candles and burn incense scent around this bed and sprinkle this body with the scent of jasmine and roses.
Rub hair with flower incense and rubbing the legs with perfume,and read the sign of death that has been written clearly on this fore head.

Let me rest in bed,because both eyes have been tired, let's poems vibrate silver plated and soothing my soul. Fly harp strings and reveal the veil of grief my heart.
Sing the days past as you look at the dawn of hope in my eyes,because the meaning of this magical so soft like a silk bed where my heart lay.

Wipe you tears beib...and lift up your head like the flowers,welcome to sow his finger crown dawn morning.
look at the death standing like a light space between the bed with unlimited distance.
Hold your breath and listen for flutter flaps its wings approach me,and say goodbye to me.

Kiss my eyes with a hint of smile,allow the children to stretch her tiny hand me.
let the soft hand on my fore head and blessed me
let the maidens approached and saw the shadow of GOD in my eyes,and hear his voice running around with my breath.

*Negeri Terindah Negeri Khayalku.....

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