Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

I will leave it to my GOD.....

I'll endure it all .. if it's the best for me so I asked God give me strength to face all the provisions and the destiny of this life.
I do not know if this trial or temptation? God knows the answer, though I still ask myself
I was the most fragile creatures and are always complaining, this only can I do but ask The Lord the best for my religion, my life and my death.
if life for the better then I am reinforced in the face of this ordeal, but if it dies is more precious than life so take my soul, I will follow God path even though it was destroyed .
I don't give up but I let go and give thanks because God has given me life ..
I always ask God .. for what and who I live? for me or for anyone else?
and God has not given me a definite answer ..
I'm aware of the greatness of God, may God so loved me then I am given all this ordeal and may God knows I will persist until the Lord sure how long I live in the shackles of evil Lord ... .. I sincerely
there is a secret life that I don't know what's the secret?
only time can answer my life for anything and anyone .. I'm just a human who is always sinful, despicable human beings I ever sing the complaints .. I knew it!
God ways are the best way for me and I will always follow though I'm not sure if I could?
I abandon my life and my death to God, that's all I can do at this time .. ask every time for me to stay despite storms came thugs ravage everything on my future .. I will leave it to God

*Negeri Terindah Negeri Khayalku

2 komentar:

  1. I'm still here waiting...
    waiting for God to answer...
    answer my prayer...
    my prayer about an angel...
    an angel who was lost and captured half of my heart...
