Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Sound of My Life......

Sound of my life always saying you're my glow in the darkness
although you couldn't be realized that but its the real.....

Sound of my life willing given you everything 
because I was giving do the best for you,only.....

Sound of my life wouldn't be reached to hearing of your life
but lets to try talking may we're could be killing the noiseless times......

If you think I was hate you,its wrong....
I just miss you too much,my alive so be lonesome for a long times

If only I want crying in your shoulder to be last time
may its would be a treat for my feel...i sure that !!

and Sound of my life saying : 
"you all right giving someone the hurted may you couldn't realizing that !!!!!"
*for the heart to be hurt....
Negeri Terindah Negeri Khayalku

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